Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Start is always the hardest. I have been wrestling for some time now with the notion of journaling my thoughts. I started in simple post-it notes and they always seemed to get lost in a drawer, then i figured its not really a very manly thing to do , so i gave it up. I wanted to do something that would allow me to expel some thoughts that often hit me like a lightning bolt and I did not know how. As a Christian I have learned that the tongue has the power over life and death and that to release yourself from anguish we should talk things out, so I decided to start this blog. I know this may seem strange to some, but I really will not be doing this for any notoriety or in hopes to be discovered as the next Hemingway. The things I will be posting on here are random thoughts/segments of my everyday life, I will be recalling childhood memories and current episodes of my Fatherhood, and with three girls in the house that should be enough to keep me busy LOL. I am a father, a Husband, a son, a brother, an employee, a believer, a friend, a enemy to some i'm sure, but above all I AM ME. I hope that if you are reading this you are connected to me in one of the aforementioned ways, if not welcome to my little piece of sanity. 

See ya next time.